6 tips for better (web) texts

6 tips for better (web) texts

Tip 1: Make your texts 'scanable'

Most website visitors do not read all the details. By this, I mean that most people do not really read, but rather 'scan'. In addition, it is important that you present a bite-sized text that is easy and quick to read. You do this by placing the most important information at the very top of your article and working with 'functional white space'. People read faster if the text is nicely divided into paragraphs and paragraphs. Sufficient white space also brings peace.

tip 2: Position your keywords correctly

You should not only make your readers but also search engines mouth-water with your web texts. With SEO copywriting, it is important to do a keyword search beforehand and to write around your important keywords. Google will be pleased if keywords are found in page titles, paragraph titles, the first paragraph, in hyperlinks, in the page URL or in-text parts that are highlighted in bold or italics. Keyword stuffing is no longer of this time! It is important to subtly put your keywords into an appropriate context, with relevant and related words and synonyms.

Tip 3: Ask for action

A good web text contains a good call-to-action. Call-to-actions are buttons or texts that encourage action. They refer to another page where you can do more. Usually, CTAs are in the imperative and make a kind of promise. So you provide certainty of what the reader can expect. Example: Read more about SEO copywriting.

Tip 4: Correct spelling and grammar

For many in the profession, it is self-evident, but it remains an extremely important fact. A strong text starts with a well-written language. There are many people who are bothered by language errors. As soon as a language error is spotted, many tend to stop reading, even though the subject is interesting in itself. So grammar and spelling mistakes are out of the question! Even though you are not very strong at it, there are numerous sources that you can consult to know how to write something. Or simply turn on you are spell-check everywhere.

Tip 5: Let your text rest for a day

When you write a text, you are often busy with it, so that you start to overlook things. That is why it is important to let your text rest for a day. This way you can look at it the next day with a fresh look and remove any errors in a timely manner. Has it checked by a colleague or like-minded person who can also give you additional things?

Tip 6: Good visual support

Good (web) texts have supporting visual elements. This makes the whole attractive. Good images also ensure that your readers can scan the text faster. It is important that it is qualitative and relevant visual material.


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