Which social media should you use as a company?

Which social media should you use as a company?

Keep this in mind

As mentioned above, you cannot be actively present on every channel. You can safely be very selective in choosing the right channels. If you know that you will not actively participate in a specific channel, then you should keep away from it. For example, it is better to be active on 2 channels than to have 10 non-active profiles. Do you still have a good number of social media profiles that you need to manage? Then use monitoring tools, such as Hootsuite or Tweetdeck. In the article ' How to deal with negative reviews via social media ' we tell you more about that. There are also a lot of do's and don'ts when it comes to communication via social media. In our articles' You better avoid this on social media 'and'With this, you score on social media 'we already give a lot of tips.

Part of your marketing strategy

Think carefully beforehand what the purpose is why you start with social media. You must also have a clear view of your target audience. In most cases, these are issues that you have already investigated for your overall marketing strategy. Find out where your target audience is online. We already list the most important social media.


Facebook is a versatile channel and therefore offers many possibilities. It is a low-threshold channel, so everyone gets away with it fairly quickly. Creating a business page is therefore relatively easy. As a company, you can use Facebook for business to increase your online visibility. We are convinced that as a company you can get more leads via Facebook. Read more about it in our article: ' 7 tips for more leads via Facebook '. Via Facebook, you can easily give your messages a creative twist.


Do you mainly have a corporate story to tell? Do you mainly communicate B2B? Do you want to stay in touch with your business contacts? Then LinkedIn is the medium for your business. Through this channel, you also stay informed of the trends from your industry. The channel is sometimes called an online calling card and is interesting for networking.


Twitter is very popular as a kind of online customer service for your company. For example, many companies use the medium as customer care. Just think of the NMBS. They also keep travelers informed of any delays or works via this route. The channel is also interesting for marketers, politicians, and journalists. You can keep your finger on the pulse via hashtags and trending topics. Twitter is sometimes described as a 'volatile medium', given the limited number of characters per tweet and the short lifespan thereof. But by using hashtags (#) you can tweet or follow tweets in a very targeted way.


Is the visual aspect especially important for your company? Do you have a lot of visual material of projects and realizations that you can send to the world? Then Instagram might be the most suitable channel for you. Here too you can add hashtags, just like with Twitter, that add value to the post. Moreover, you can decorate your photo in an instant by using one of the Instagram photo filters.


Snapchat is busy with a strong advance in business. The main purpose of this channel is to send photos and videos to your friends for a short period of time, but nowadays it is also becoming more interesting for companies. If your target audience mainly consists of young people and you would like to add a 'fun factor' to your communication, then I would certainly further explore this channel in your case.


Your company might also be interesting for a lot of pinners on Pinterest. Here, just like with Instagram, your product must display well in the image material. The main purpose of this medium is 'inspire'. A must-have for foodies, creative centipedes, and fashionistas!

A thousand and one options

The options do not of course stop at the above options. There are a thousand and one other social media channels from which you can make a choice. Also think of YouTube, Google+, Vimeo, Tumblr, Flickr, WhatsApp and so on. The social media landscape is huge!
It is important that your choice is made according to your predefined goals, and that it is based on where your target group is located. It is also important to know that you have to approach each channel in a different way. In the past, we have already provided tips & tricks about this for a multi-channel approach.
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