Google Analytics: find out the behavior of your website visitors

Google Analytics: find out the behavior of your website visitors

The usefulness of Google Analytics in a nutshell

You get insight into which region your website visitors come from.
You can see from which device or from which browser your visitors surf to your website.
Learn how long visitors stay on your site.

Which pages are viewed the most?

What is the bounce rate on your website? Where do visitors drop out?
At what times do they mainly come to your website?
Which way do visitors end up on your website?
You can set and measure your goals.
When you go to Google Analytics, you can determine a time interval at the top right. This is the period for which you want to view the statistics. In this article, we mainly look at the 'target group', 'acquisition' and 'behavior'.

What do your visitors do?

Through Google Analytics you can actually monitor the behavior of your visitors precisely. You can see at a glance: the sessions on your website, how many visitors there were, how many pages were viewed on your site, how long a user stays on one page on average (per session), the bounce rate (how quickly they click away) and the number new visitors to your website.

Where do they come from and when?

Your website visitors can end up on your site in many ways. This can be via online advertising (eg Google AdWords), by typing in your website URL directly, via links on other websites, via social media, and so on. In Google Analytics, under 'Acquisition channels' this is subdivided into: referral, direct, organic search, paid search, social and 'other'. Here you can click through again and then you can literally see which page they end up with. If you know the way in which your target group ends up on your website or webshop, then it can of course also be interesting to know at what time they arrive on your website. At 'Target group - Overview' you have the options to view the overview per month, week, day or hour. Preferably you choose a smaller interval here. You can include this information in the development of your communication or marketing strategy.

Where are they going?

You can also find out which pages on your website are visited the most. In the left column in Google Analytics, you will see 'Behavior'. If we click here to 'Site content', you can find out how visitors navigate through your website. Via Analytics you can find the first landing page that your website visitor sees. This is also called the landing page. In many cases, the home page is the landing page, but it can also concern deeper pages. Through this page on your website, it is important that you attract the visitor. Under 'Landing pages' in Google Analytics you will see a list of the 10 most important landing pages on your website as standard.
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