
Showing posts from September, 2019

Chatbots versus people

Chatbots versus people What is social messaging? The social media have now been established for a number of years. We can state that almost everyone is active on social media and that even without a Facebook profile you actually 'fall out'. They are also a fixed value in business strategies. Social messaging is a part of social media and is currently very popular. In the past, social media users started sharing personal affairs via public profiles faster than now. And even if your profile is not public, you always have a group of people in your friend's list that you actually don't know very well. Due to the greater need for privacy, social media users are increasingly switching to messaging applications to exchange information with friends. You may also use them: WhatsApp and/or Facebook Messenger. The social messaging applications are constantly being expanded with more functions. Social messaging for companies Social messaging is not only used to communicate w

6 tips for better (web) texts

6 tips for better (web) texts Tip 1: Make your texts 'scanable' Most website visitors do not read all the details. By this, I mean that most people do not really read, but rather 'scan'. In addition, it is important that you present a bite-sized text that is easy and quick to read. You do this by placing the most important information at the very top of your article and working with 'functional white space'. People read faster if the text is nicely divided into paragraphs and paragraphs. Sufficient white space also brings peace. tip 2: Position your keywords correctly You should not only make your readers but also search engines mouth-water with your web texts. With SEO copywriting, it is important to do a keyword search beforehand and to write around your important keywords. Google will be pleased if keywords are found in page titles, paragraph titles, the first paragraph, in hyperlinks, in the page URL or in-text parts that are highlighted in bold or

Which social media should you use as a company?

Which social media should you use as a company? Keep this in mind As mentioned above, you cannot be actively present on every channel. You can safely be very selective in choosing the right channels. If you know that you will not actively participate in a specific channel, then you should keep away from it. For example, it is better to be active on 2 channels than to have 10 non-active profiles. Do you still have a good number of social media profiles that you need to manage? Then use monitoring tools, such as Hootsuite or Tweetdeck. In the article ' How to deal with negative reviews via social media ' we tell you more about that. There are also a lot of do's and don'ts when it comes to communication via social media. In our articles' You better avoid this on social media 'and'With this, you score on social media 'we already give a lot of tips. Part of your marketing strategy Think carefully beforehand what the purpose is why you start with social

Bounce rate vs. exit percentage: where do visitors drop out?

Bounce rate vs. exit percentage: where do visitors drop out? The bounce rate is not the same as the exit percentage. The bounce rate relates to only one page. So a visitor lands on that particular (entry) page and leaves your website again from here. When a visitor immediately leaves that page, this usually means that his expectations were not met. So he didn't get the information that matches what he was looking for. Together with you, we can analyze this deeper. The exit percentage does not necessarily relate to one page. It is possible that the visitor has viewed multiple pages. From this, you can conclude where your website 'ends up'. If we look under 'Behavior' under 'Behavior' in Google Analytics, you will see these two columns (see image below). Which percentage should you now take the most into account? It is actually clear to answer: the bounce rate! A visitor cannot surf on your website forever, so it is normal for them to 'get out'

Google Analytics: find out the behavior of your website visitors

Google Analytics: find out the behavior of your website visitors The usefulness of Google Analytics in a nutshell You get insight into which region your website visitors come from. You can see from which device or from which browser your visitors surf to your website. Learn how long visitors stay on your site. Which pages are viewed the most? What is the bounce rate on your website? Where do visitors drop out? At what times do they mainly come to your website? Which way do visitors end up on your website? You can set and measure your goals. When you go to Google Analytics, you can determine a time interval at the top right. This is the period for which you want to view the statistics. In this article, we mainly look at the 'target group', 'acquisition' and 'behavior'. What do your visitors do? Through Google Analytics you can actually monitor the behavior of your visitors precisely. You can see at a glance: the sessions on your website, how many